A Colossal Weekend 2025

A Colossal Weekend 2025


08. maj 2025

kl 17.59


A COLOSSAL WEEKEND er VEGAs genrekrydsende, grænsesøgende, festival for tung, mørk og eksperimenterende musik. Festivalen præsenterer over 3 dage i maj ca. 30 acts fra hele verden, hvoraf nogle vil være helt nye og ukendte, mens andre vil være etablerede hovednavne. A Colossal Weekend har fundet sted siden 2016 og har præsenteret navne som Cult of Luna, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Deafheaven, Anna Von Hausswolff, Russian Circles, Wolves in The Throne Room, Emma Ruth Rundle og Alcest over årene.
I 2025 finder A Colossal Weekend sted fra d. 8-10 maj i VEGA og Basement på Vesterbro i København. Partoutbilletter er i salg nu, mens det endelige program annonceres og endagsbilletter går på salg i starten af 2025.
De første navne på plakaten er: ELDER (US), GOD IS AN ASTRONAUT (IS), FRAIL BODY (US) og JO QUAIL (UK)
Et begrænset antal Early Bird-billetter er I salg fra d. 18.9 indtil d. 1.10 eller indtil de er udsolgt: til 750 Kr. / 100€
Almindelige partoutbilletter kommer på salg når Early Bird-billetter er udsolgt eller senest d. 1.10 kl. 23.59.
Læse mere og hold dig løbende opdateret på www.acolossalweekend.dk og tilmeld dig festivalens nyhedsbrev her: https://shorturl.at/hWuGr
 is genre crossing, boundary pushing festival for experimental heavy music. The festival presents around 30 acts from all over the world over three days in May. Some will be completely unknown to you while some will be well established headliners. A Colossal Weekend was first introduced in 2016 and have since presented acts such as Cult of Luna, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Deafheaven, Anna Von Hausswolff, Russian Circles, Wolves in The Throne Room, Emma Ruth Rundle and Alcest over the years
In 2025 A Colossal Weekend will take place from May 8 - 10 at VEGA and Basement in Vesterbro, Copenhagen. Full Festival Tickets are available now while the full programme will be announced and one day tickets will go on sale from early 2025.
The first acts for the 2025 edition count: ELDER (US), GOD IS AN ASTRONAUT (IE), FRAIL BODY (US) and JO QUAIL (UK)
Early Bird Tickets available from September 18 - October 1st (or until sold out): 100€ / 750 DKK
Full Festival Tickets (regular price) available from October 1st 23.59 (or when Early Birds are sold out): 130 € / 970 DKK
Read more and keep yourself updated at www.acolossalweekend.dk and sign up for the festival’s newsletter here: https://shorturl.at/hWuGr